TheNissan Xterra comes in several trims

Another consideration is ventilation. Sleeping in your SUV with the windows closed can become uncomfortable, especially in warm weather. Not only do the windows become foggy, but the entire interior of the vehicle can become moist with breath exhalation and quite stuffy. Leaving the windows down is a solution that works fine so long as there are no bugs flying around. However, add a few mosquitoes or other buzzing critter and the night can become very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are a couple of ready solutions for this problem. The first, and most expensive, is to purchase a truck tent system for your SUV.

If you're looking for a genuine off-road vehicle, the Xterra is just the ticket. It ranks high compared to other off-road rivals, costs thousands less than many of them and stands out with its versatile cargo capacity. However, buyers should keep in mind that while the Xterra is ideal as a tough, capable vehicle, it's not the most comfortable highway cruiser.